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Help using UniversalDataReader inside Loop.

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    Vladimir Barton
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    Hi Christopher,

    The subject of your post indicates that you execute the UniversalDataReader (currently called FlatFileReader) inside a body of the Loop component. If this is indeed the case, I would definitely advise you against using this graph design. The Loop component is not intended to be used that way due to multiple reasons (e.g. it relies on intact token flow which can be easily broken by FlatFileReader).

    Overall, I sense that this graph design question would be better suited for a different communication channel than a Forum post, namely the CloverDX Support ticket. I trust it would be most beneficial to log a new ticket with CloverDX Support and provide your current graph (in the form of a GRF file) together with the respective execution log showing the details of the FlatFileReader failure.



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