Hi !
I want to transfer data from a table (table A) to another table (table B : same metadata) on other Oracle instance.
I use DATAINTERSECTION component to :
- only insert new rows from table A to table B
- updating rows of table B which haved changed
- deleting rows of table B which have been deleted in table A.
How can I delete or update rows with cloverETL and with DBOUTPUT component ?
Thanks a lot.
I want to transfer data from a table (table A) to another table (table B : same metadata) on other Oracle instance.
I use DATAINTERSECTION component to :
- only insert new rows from table A to table B
- updating rows of table B which haved changed
- deleting rows of table B which have been deleted in table A.
How can I delete or update rows with cloverETL and with DBOUTPUT component ?
Thanks a lot.
Hello !
DBOutputTable can taky any SQL/DML command - including delete.
Use "sqlQuery" or "sqlCode" to provide something like this:
"delete <yourtable> where <key_field>=?"
And use "cloverFiedls" to select which field (its value) from Clover should be used in place of the "?".
See this simple example:
<Node id="DB_OUTPUT_TABLE0" type="DB_OUTPUT_TABLE" cloverFields="Country" sqlQuery="delete from city_country where CountryName = ?" commit="10" dbConnection="DBConnection0" />
<Node id="DELIMITED_DATA_READER_NIO0" type="DELIMITED_DATA_READER_NIO" fileURL="D:\CloverShow\city_country.txt" />
<Edge id="Edge1" fromNode="DELIMITED_DATA_READER_NIO0:0" toNode="DB_OUTPUT_TABLE0:0" />
-------------------------------- -
do the fields passed to the cloverfields need to be in the order of the ?'s or does it matter? -
you can use fieldMap attribute to specify the exact mapping between clover and db fields
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