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dbInputTable no records

Comments 2

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    Hello dnrickner,
    it can be hacked by adding a Reformat with following code after the DBInputTable:
    int counter = 0;
    // Transforms input record into output record.
    function transform() {
    $0.* := $0.*;
    return 0

    function finished(){

    This Reformat just counts the input records and sends them to output port. After all records are processed it puts number of processed records to the dictionary. In the subsequent phase, you can get the value from dictionary and, depending on the value, do A or B, eg. in DataGenerator:
    function generate() {
    int rec_no;
    rec_no = str2num(dict_get_str("rec_no"));
    $field := iif(rec_no == 0, "no records processed", "number of processed records: " + rec_no);
    return 0
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    Thank you. This is working.

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