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Date incorrect parsing from Excel

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    What happens when you define metadata as Date?
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    If I define metadata as Date, it reads the Date without additional value in the front. Strange - it reads the value as one day less than the date in Excel. 6/1/2009 becomes 5/31/2009.
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    It's really strange. Could you send me the file with data probe?
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    zip file with graph and excel is attached. Thanks.
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    reading the dates as a Date type problem, seems to be related to the time zone problem ( That means, that reading timestamps from xls file depends on time zone settings on the computer - dates on excel file are always treated as formatted in GMT time. As a workaround I can advice you the usage of Java Execute component, that sets the default time zone to GMT time:
    import java.util.SimpleTimeZone;
    import java.util.TimeZone;

    import org.jetel.component.BasicJavaRunnable;

    public class setTimeZone extends BasicJavaRunnable {

    public void run() {
    TimeZone.setDefault(new SimpleTimeZone(0, "GMT"));


    But the above, sets the GMT time for parsing and formatting all dates in your graph, so you can have a problem in different point of the transformation.

    When I set the metadata type to String, the data was read properly, without any additional strings. What Clover version do you use?
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    Please see the attached zip for recreating the issue. Right now I am proceeding with a workaround - substring function.

    Also, Is it possible to combine both the ExtFilter in one in the attached graph ? I tried combining isnull, nvl with is_number. It does not help. Short circuit && is not available in CTL and I can't convert the code to Java in ExtFilter.

    Not a big issue . I am managing with two filters. Thought you might suggest a better solution.

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    Hello, && operator as well as and works properly with Filter:
    !is_blank($0.is_int_test) and is_number($0.is_int_test)
    !is_blank($0.is_int_test) && is_number($0.is_int_test)

    filters only 3 of 5 records.
    If you know all the date formats in excel file you can use try_convert or str2date functions in Reformat node:
    date d;
    string format = "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy";
    // Transforms input record into output record.
    function transform() {
    d = try_convert($0.DateString,date, "MM/dd/yy");
    if (isnull(d)){
    d = str2date($0.DateString,format);
    $0.* := $0.*;
    $0.Date := d;

    If you set Reformat with above code after XLSReader, you can also use it as a Filter:
    date d;
    string format = "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy";
    // Transforms input record into output record.
    function transform() {
    if (is_blank($0.is_int_test) || !is_number($0.is_int_test)) return SKIP;
    d = try_convert($0.DateString,date, "MM/dd/yy");
    if (isnull(d)){
    d = str2date($0.DateString,format);
    $0.* := $0.*;
    $0.Date := d;

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    I have solved my issue by applying filter to the whole column. here

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