I want to run multiple graphs one after other, by calling rungraph same no of times, the first one gets executed but after that I am getting error like javax.management.InstanceAlreadyExistsException for cloverJMX.
any clues for solution.
any clues for solution.
You can turn off JMX logging (see -noJMX switch in Command line arguments). -
hmm...got it
But when I run 5 different xml files with 5 different csv file I want it runGraph to run 5 times one after other by calling the method of single instance of rungraph, 5 times. But, by default, I am finding some parrellel execution and its too slow when compared with running them all one by one.
how come its so slow and why the clover working on multiple tables altogethor...is there a way to switch off this parrellel execution. -
How do you run the graphs? From java? Can you show your code?
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