I'm trying to build a graph to read some data from one of our databases. The only components I'm using are the DBInputTable and the UniversalDataWriter, connected to each other by a single edge. It's running on a Postgres server, and the relation names (both tables and columns) have both capitalization and spaces in them (one of the projects we'd like to use Clover for is rebuilding this particular database with proper names for things).
Postgres is particularly picky about how you have to handle these relations. If you don't quote them, it won't match unless you have a case-sensitive match. In trying to create metadata for this particular table, I select the "Quote identifiers" checkbox, as well as the "Case sensitive" checkbox. When I hit the arrow next to the table name so I can select the columns for the query, I get this error:
This is odd for a few reasons. First and foremost, I haven't checked the "Prefix table names with schema" checkbox, so it shouldn't be adding public to the name. Secondly, when quoting the relation while using the schema name, it should be "public"."Status", not "public.Status". Third, it's odd because I have the previously mentioned checkboxes checked, and the relation name is "Status" (with a capital S), so if it's quoting the identifiers it shouldn't be trying to get the data from "status" (with a lowercase s).
Am I missing something I need to set on this in order to get the results I need to pull data/metadata from this table? Can anyone suggest a workaround or what I've done wrong here? If I just select the table name, the "Generate" button, and then the "View" button, it shows me data from the table - so I know the connection works.
If I try to just use the 'select * from "Status"' query it generates at that point, I'm given a different error, as somehow Clover thinks I told it to convert the data (I have'nt). I get this error:
I'd prefer not to use the "select * from ..." queries in the metadata anyways, because I won't actually be selecting all the columns in this table (it has 255 columns, and I only have a need to select 25 or so of them), but as I stated above, I can't get it to recognize the relations to generate the metadata the proper way.
Postgres is particularly picky about how you have to handle these relations. If you don't quote them, it won't match unless you have a case-sensitive match. In trying to create metadata for this particular table, I select the "Quote identifiers" checkbox, as well as the "Case sensitive" checkbox. When I hit the arrow next to the table name so I can select the columns for the query, I get this error:
ERROR: relation "public.status" does not exist"
This is odd for a few reasons. First and foremost, I haven't checked the "Prefix table names with schema" checkbox, so it shouldn't be adding public to the name. Secondly, when quoting the relation while using the schema name, it should be "public"."Status", not "public.Status". Third, it's odd because I have the previously mentioned checkboxes checked, and the relation name is "Status" (with a capital S), so if it's quoting the identifiers it shouldn't be trying to get the data from "status" (with a lowercase s).
Am I missing something I need to set on this in order to get the results I need to pull data/metadata from this table? Can anyone suggest a workaround or what I've done wrong here? If I just select the table name, the "Generate" button, and then the "View" button, it shows me data from the table - so I know the connection works.
If I try to just use the 'select * from "Status"' query it generates at that point, I'm given a different error, as somehow Clover thinks I told it to convert the data (I have'nt). I get this error:
ERROR [WatchDog] - Node DATA_WRITER0 error details:
java.io.IOException: Converting exception in the record: 300. Exception when converting the field value: AIRPORT CAF�
AIRPORT CAF� (field name: 'Shipping_Name') to ISO-8859-1. (original cause: Input length = 1)
I'd prefer not to use the "select * from ..." queries in the metadata anyways, because I won't actually be selecting all the columns in this table (it has 255 columns, and I only have a need to select 25 or so of them), but as I stated above, I can't get it to recognize the relations to generate the metadata the proper way.
There is an issue with the GUI DB browser dialog in Clover 2.9. Despite the fact you selected "quote identifiers" it does not use this when going to DB for obtaining list of fields for the DB table you selected.
If you just select the table in the tree-view without unfolding and hit next, it will properly generate the metadata. If you want to pick certain fields, you have to (for now) assemble the select statement manually - sorry.
Will be fixed in next version of Clover Designer - probably 3.0 or 3.1 (as you are the first who hit this problem).
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