I have many PHP scripts that perform pre-processing on .txt and .csv files. Is it possible to invoke a php script in Clover? If so, would you please detail the process for me?
Thank you,
Thank you,
Hello Brian,
SystemExecute component can execute any system command, so also calling a php program. -
Thank you for the quick reply...
How would I set up the properties in the Edit Component window? Let's say my command would be to return hostname and system date of that host along with invoking a php script. We connect to that particular server using the SSH protocol.
Thanks again...Brian -
Hello Brian,
SystemExecute just formats input records and redirects such formatted records to process stdin; then data from the process stdout are parsed and sent to SystemExecute output port. So command attribute of SystemExecute should contain the command you use to executing the php script out of CloverETL.
But if you call a php script as a server service, you should probably use HttpConnector component, not a systemExecute.
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