How to specify a dynamic output file in DataWriter component. I see we can use parameter in fileURL. But parameter must be defined before starting the graph. I will get the filename only after starting the graph.
Do I have to use SystemExecute in the next phase to rename the file created to the dynamic value?
Please point me to any sample code for this scenario.
How to specify a dynamic output file in DataWriter component. I see we can use parameter in fileURL. But parameter must be defined before starting the graph. I will get the filename only after starting the graph.
Do I have to use SystemExecute in the next phase to rename the file created to the dynamic value?
Please point me to any sample code for this scenario.
Hello Mano,
I think that the easiest way is to use System Execute component when the writing is finished. You can also hack partition feature of Writers. For an example see CloverETL dynamic output file... topic.
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