I have a situation where I am doing a join and I have several hundred fields being joined together, some on each side of the join.
On the output edge from the join, is there an easy way to define the structure of the resulting record? A colleague went in and manually munged the XML to merge both metadata streams into a single large metadata block.
It feels like we're missing something. Can we get a bit of a pointer in the right direction?
On the output edge from the join, is there an easy way to define the structure of the resulting record? A colleague went in and manually munged the XML to merge both metadata streams into a single large metadata block.
It feels like we're missing something. Can we get a bit of a pointer in the right direction?
Hello Brad,
unfortunately such feature is not available in CloverETL Designer, but I reported your request to our bug tracking system at https://bug.javlin.eu/browse/CL-1708. Please use guest/guest as username/password credentials for logging in.
I think that the easiest way for such merge is simple copy and paste in external metadata:- Create new metadata in CloverETL Designer
- Externalize this metadata and all input metadata you want to merge
- Open just created metadata in text editor (right click on fmt file --> Open With --> Text Editor)
- Open input metadata file in the same way
- Copy and paste requested fields
- Repeat the above two points for all requested input metadata
Thanks again for clarifying, Agata. That is basically the method we came up with as well. Glad to hear we're on the same page.
Thank you!
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