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bug in DataParser

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    May I ask you to send an example of valid delimited file, which is not possible to be parsed by UniversalDataReader.

    Thanks a lot.
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    In your previous post your mentioned this:

    The delimiter on the last field of my metadata is defined as delimiter=",\\|;\\|:"

    I think there is a problem in here. If you specify an explicit delimiter for the last field, it will override the default delimiter, which is usually the record delimiter (\r\n in your case). So when CloverETL parses the file, it will:

    • parse the first field

    • find the delimiter of the first field (comma = ,)

    • parse the second (and last) field

    • while parsing the second field, it will not find its delimiter (specified by ",\\|;\\|:")

    • instead, it will run into "\r\n" sequence, which is a record delimited

    • therefore, you will get the "unexpected record delimiter" error

    So I think CloverETL behaves correctly and the error message is alright.

    I am not sure why you have set such a delimiter for you last field. Solution would be to remove completely the explicit delimiter for you last field and leave it to be set to implicit record delimiter "\r\n" - because the last field will be always terminated by record delimiter in CSV.

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