Two related questions:
1) I switched a clover account to LDAP while testing an unresolved configuration change - but there does not seem to be a way to revert it back to the 'clover' domain. How to accomplish this?
2) Need to access existing projects on the server from the designer... the above account was used in Designer to manage the project is now deleted, so a new Designer project is needed to connect with the existing server project.
The New CloverETL server project will not replace an existing project in a sandbox.
The question is - in Designer, how does one reconnect (using a different server account) to an existing server project without over-writing it?
3) and also - after deleting a server account, attempts to recreate it result in 'Username is not unique' error ... even though the account is not present on the user list. How to re-establish a deleted user account?
Two related questions:
1) I switched a clover account to LDAP while testing an unresolved configuration change - but there does not seem to be a way to revert it back to the 'clover' domain. How to accomplish this?
2) Need to access existing projects on the server from the designer... the above account was used in Designer to manage the project is now deleted, so a new Designer project is needed to connect with the existing server project.
The New CloverETL server project will not replace an existing project in a sandbox.
The question is - in Designer, how does one reconnect (using a different server account) to an existing server project without over-writing it?
3) and also - after deleting a server account, attempts to recreate it result in 'Username is not unique' error ... even though the account is not present on the user list. How to re-establish a deleted user account?
Hi Tom,
1] try to check configuration "security.authentication.allowed_domains" probably value is just "LDAP". If you select "clover,LDAP" then you can choose
2] try to use "File->Import->CloverETL->Import from CloverETL server sandbox" (server project in designer is just reference to server sandbox)
3] take a look on http://server-demo-ec2.cloveretl.com/cl ... users.html (section "Disabling / enabling users"). Unfortunately, due to issue "https://bug.javlin.eu/browse/CLS-611" it is not possible to change "enabled" state. It is fixed in 3.3.0-M1. If upgrade is no option for you, you can try to manually change flag "user_enabled" in database table "users" of connection you specified in "clover\WEB-INF\config.properties" configuration. -
Hi Jaroslav,
Thanks for your answers!
Some complications:
1) The setting was already at clover,LDAP ... but the domain (clover or LDAP) could not be edited.
2) Tried that: Selecting File->Import->CloverETL->Import from CloverETL server sandbox is ok, but clicking 'Next' has no response from the wizard. It simply stays on the same dialog and does not proceed ... so import was not possible.
3) will do with a jdbc db tool shortly.
Thanks, -
Performed #3; the account now re-exists and is set to 'clover' authentication.
LDAP removed from cloveretl settings entirely.
Import of an existing project is resulting in errors.
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