Hello there,
I just installed Fishbowl Inventory to manage my supply or inventory, and I was using Clover to pull data from it.
The exact location of my data is found here:
C:\Program Files\Fishbowl\database\data\EXAMPLE.FDB
Fishbowl is using Firebird for its database.
In my Clover, for creating the DB connection, I put there in the URL this value: jdbc:firebirdsql:localhost/3050/C:\Program Files\Fishbowl\database\data\EXAMPLE.FDB
When testing the connection, it says connection is valid, but when I'm about to extract my metadata, I am getting this connection error message: "For input string: "3050/C"".
Can somebody help me why I couldn't extract my metadata where in the first place it says connection to my database is valid.
I would appreciate any reply to this email sooner.
I just installed Fishbowl Inventory to manage my supply or inventory, and I was using Clover to pull data from it.
The exact location of my data is found here:
C:\Program Files\Fishbowl\database\data\EXAMPLE.FDB
Fishbowl is using Firebird for its database.
In my Clover, for creating the DB connection, I put there in the URL this value: jdbc:firebirdsql:localhost/3050/C:\Program Files\Fishbowl\database\data\EXAMPLE.FDB
When testing the connection, it says connection is valid, but when I'm about to extract my metadata, I am getting this connection error message: "For input string: "3050/C"".
Can somebody help me why I couldn't extract my metadata where in the first place it says connection to my database is valid.
I would appreciate any reply to this email sooner.
Hi jed_urETLguy,
it looks like escaping issue. Please try something like: jdbc:firebirdsql:localhost/3050/C\:\\Program Files\\Fishbowl\\database\\data\\EXAMPLE.FDB -
I really appreciate your reply to my post, however it didn't work still. But I do figured out how should that supposed to look like:
Instead of: jdbc:firebirdsql:localhost/3050/C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_2_1\examples\empbuild\EMPLOYEE.FDB
The correct url should be: jdbc:firebirdsql:localhost/3050:C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_2_1\examples\empbuild\EMPLOYEE.FDB
So, to make it work, replace "/" between 3050 and C with ":", and that's fully functioning now.
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