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Clover Engine: Performance Degredation from 3.0.1 to 3.2.1?

Comments 3

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    Hi Anna,

    We are not aware of any general performance degradation between versions you mentioned.

    You can try to find out more specific problem - component, or block of components maybe. I would recommend this approach:
    * find problematic graph
    * try to introduce additional phases
    * run on both versions and try to find out problematic phase (duration is in log)

    Alternative is simplification of graf until you find slow component(s).
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    As I already have a problematic graph, I will start with it. You mention below that "duration is in the log." Which log are you referring to? Since we run from the command line, it does not produce a log. Is what you are referring to the continual output of the Watchdog that occurs when you change the logging level to INFO?

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    Hi Anna,

    when graph is over, watchdog should produce something like:

    INFO [WatchDog] - Phase# Finished Status RunTime(sec) MemoryAllocation(KB)
    INFO [WatchDog] - 0 FINISHED_OK 5 3587
    INFO [WatchDog] - 1 FINISHED_OK 34 4013

    Based on this you can identify problem.

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