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Creating a Hierarchy Tranformation

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    Hi, skylaneffz,

    if your input file is the same as you posted, i.e. always sorted by CHILD_ID and the numbers from the root to leaves are always sorted in ascending order (e.g. 2000 can not be a parent of 1500), you can use a Reformat component with the following CTL code.

    map[string, string] childParent;

    function integer transform() {
    string res = $in.0.CHILD_ID;
    childParent[res] = $in.0.PARENT_ID;
    string act = $in.0.CHILD_ID;

    while (childParent.containsKey(act)) {
    act = childParent[act];
    res = act+"|"+res;

    $out.0.path = res;
    return OK;

    If your input file was somehow different, you should save the input records into the lookup table first and only then you can use similar approach.

    Best regards,

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