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Dictionary Issues

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    Hello Adam,

    Where did you define your dictionary entry, please? In this situation, entry Urgent should be defined in the graph below, not in the main jobflow. Right now, I can not see any other reason why this should not work. Look on the example below and maybe you will find some mistake in your graph.

    If not, please, send me your graph and jobflow. Thank you.

    Best regards,
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    I took a look at the example and it shows that it is executing 1 graph. Since I have about 20 graphs to check tablespaces I was using ListFiles to look at the graph folder and get the url for each graph and then send that to the ExecuteGraph component. Could this be why I am not able to see the dictionary...because it isn't looking at a specific graph?

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    Hi Adam,

    You are correct, your parameter is not substituted for the real value until the graph is started. Assuming you have Urgent parameter in all your graphs, you can point to one of them in Graph URL, do the Output mapping and the rest of the graphs will be mapped in Input mapping of ExecuteGraph this way: $out.0.jobURL = $in.0.URL;

    Please, look at this example.

    Best regards,

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