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Using the Dictionary Feature

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    Hi Akhil,

    Is the "another graph" directly executed by the first one by JobFlow's ExecuteGraph/ExecuteJobFlow component on CloverETL Server? Can you prepare sample graphs for us?
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    Hi Jaroslav,

    I am not using the jobflow. Using my first graph, I logged into the salesforce and got the session. In the second graph, I am trying to use that session.

    Do I need to use the jobflow to use the dictionary feature.

    Thanks & Regards,
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    Hi Akhil,

    Using of JobFlow components in this case would be the best solution. You should keep in mind that dictionaries are private for all graphs. Components SetJobOutput and GetJobInput are only working with these private entries (it only saves the value to private dictionary). In order to pass these values to dictionary of another graph you have to use use either ExecuteGraph or ExecuteJobFlow component. These components have Input and Output mapping attributes in which you can map dictionary entries from one graph to another.
    Regarding this particular case, you can find similar sample of working with SalesForce in our JobFlowExamples right in CloverETL Designer (06-ExternalInteraction-SalesforceWebServices.jbf).

    Best regards,

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