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Creating a DB connection to SAP HANA

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    Dear Jdubu,

    You are trying correct functionality ("add-driver") but unfortunatelly custom JDBC drivers are not supported in Community edition. You can download Trial version and check there - see
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    I downloaded the trial version as you suggested and have good news. I was able to easily establish a database connection, create metadata and run a test graph that reads from the database.

    Adding the driver worked exactly as expected. When creating metadata or issuing a query to read from the database the only modification I had to make was to add double quotes as below.

    CloverETL Generated: Select * from schemaname.tablename

    Modification: Select * from "schemaname"."tablename"

    I am sure there must be a way to configure Clover to generate the query with the proper quotes but I ran out of time.
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    Dear Jdubu,

    I am glad to hear you were able to connect SAP Hana. We have selection of "JDBC specific" in Database connection wizard. Unfortunately SAP Hana is not among supported databases and therefore JDBC specific for it is missing. I will ask development team to add it - see for details.

    As temporary workaround you may try to select various JDBC specific. There is big chance SAP Hana will be compatible with some existing database.

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