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Not able to extract metadat from the DB2 Query with function

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    Hi Tushar,

    Can you please provide us the run log for more details about the error? We can try to reproduce the issue, but for that we need from you more information about your database schema, e.g. the create statement of your database (or at least affected tables).

    Could you please provide these additional information about your issue?

    Thank you.
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    This is happening when i am trying to extract metadata. i got the below error message where i can find the logs?

    Metadata extraction failed: [ibm][db2][jcc][10206][10302] Null SQL string passed.
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    Hi Tushar,

    In the Designer you can see the run log of your graph in the Console View. Please can you send us the content of your Console after run of your graph?

    Thank you very much.

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