I am trying to create JSON using JSON Writer component. I have set cache is memory to true. Also, I would like to set the Cache size to 8 GB (i have 64GB on my machine). But it throws error, 'Cache size has a value of 8589934592 but the JVM is only configured for 358088704'
I have already set JAVA MEMORY SIZE, MB (-Xmx): 49152MB.
Any ideas?
I have already set JAVA MEMORY SIZE, MB (-Xmx): 49152MB.
Any ideas?
Hi Prashant,
If you are using the in-memory-cache, the "Cache size" parameter is ignored, so please clear the "Cache size" parameter.
For more details, please see the documentation here: http://doc.cloveretl.com/documentation/ ... riter.html -
I fixed this problem, by updating the clover file. It has Xmx Xms value, which is currently used by JSONwriter. For some reason the Run configuration value is not read by JSONWriter.
prashant -
if you set it in clover.ini then this setting was applied for Designer (eclipse) and does not influence Engine run. Correct setting for Engine is mentioned here: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=6689#p10560
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