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    From your description it looks like the LDAP server is unable to return all entries due to a limit.

    Could you please provide us some more information?

    • Can you please send us the log from CloverETL or from LDAP server regarding this issue?

    • Could you please try to run the same search request from another LDAP client?

    • What is the number of returned entries from LDAP server? Or what is the expected number of returned entries?

    Thank you very much in advance.
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    I will send a log to
    We are definitely hitting a limit. I get the same result from another LDAP client.
    It is cutting off at 20,000. As mentioned in original post, we found the 20k limit on the LDAP server and it has been increased, however Clover seems unaware of the increased limit. Or Clover has a 20k limit stored somewhere itself.
    I will try again to work with my LDAP administrator. Please let me know if any other ideas.

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