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Clover process has double execution time since 11gr2

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    Sorry for double post.

    I can't find any edit button on my previous post anyway..

    A simplier question may result as an anwser.

    Right now , I see in my log this :

    [java] [Clover] starting WatchDog thread ...
    [java] [WatchDog] Thread started.
    [java] [WatchDog] Running on 16 CPU(s) max available memory for JVM 3005703 kB

    I'm starting clover via an ant build.xml file like this :

    <java classname="org.jetel.main.runGraph" fork="true" failonerror="true">
    <arg value="${some_dir_variable}/metadata/my_graff.grf"/>
    <pathelement path="${ear.lib}/clover.jar" />
    <pathelement path="${ear.libext}/oracle.jdbc/ojdbc6.jar" />
    <pathelement path="${ear.libext}/mysql.jdbc/mysql-connector-java-3.0.15-ga-bin.jar" />
    <fileset dir="${ear.lib}">
    <include name="*.jar"/>

    My question : There is actually 100gig of free ram on this server .. How can I make clover start with more ram via ant ?

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    Hi Elliot,

    If you want to raise memory assigned to clover, you can use the following element after the <arg value="..." /> element.

    <jvmarg value="-Xmx8192M" />

    But it is not sure that more memory will help you in this case. R2 could have changed something in the Oracle application itself, having negative influence on the overall performance of your query. Or the update could have restored some settings you set in R1. Did you try to leave CloverETL out for a while and test your queries directly? Did you notice any performance changes when running the queries directly?

    One thing you could try is downloading the new ojdbc6.jar driver released with R2. If the direct queries work fine, incompatible driver could be another cause of the issue. ... 90769.html

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    I tried to raise the memory but like you said it didn't change the performance at all.

    Actually the query is very simple and it took less than a second executing it.

    I'll try the new driver.


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