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skip graph initialization

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    Vladimir Barton
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    Hello Hewills,

    unfortunately, it is not possible to force CloverETL Designer to skip the initialization phase which is by design. In other words, it is not possible to make the graph start running if the connection to a database cannot be established. Although there is no workaround within the CloverETL Designer there is a way to achieve this within the CloverETL Server.

    Let’s assume that there are parts of the graph which you want to run even though a connection to the database is not established when trying to pull the dynamic metadata. You could divide the graph into several smaller graphs in order to separate out those parts that should be independent of the successful connection and those that need the successful connection to run. In the CloverETL Server, you would use the Execute Graph component to orchestrate running of the consecutive graph parts. Then you would want to modify the attribute of the Execute Graph components called “Stop processing on fail” and set it up to “false”. This will ensure that those graph parts that are independent of the successful connection will still run in spite of the connection failure.

    Best regards,

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