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Read and compare values from csv

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    We have tried to review your java code but for some reason, we haven't been able to run it as it is and review the data flow. Would you mind attaching some example graph so that we can take a closer look?

    However, I would like to suggest you another solution using functions and components in the Designer itself without any need to use Java code at all. Please take a look at the graph that I have attached.

    I have used so-called Simple Lookup. The lookup reads the list of Countries and its Geocodes (the csv) and adds them to the original data using component called LookupJoin. The simpleLookup takes the file as it is using metadata called "geocode" in my example graph. However please be aware that all data records stored in the simple lookup table are kept in memory. For this reason, to store all data records from the lookup table, sufficient memory must be available.

    Please let me know if this solution meets your needs or if you have any additional question or concern. Thanks, Eva

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