Hi ,
Thanks Agata for your help on the last post. Due to some constraints I wont be able to use the new version 2.9.2 ... so I need to change the transformation graphs created by the new tool to compile with older version 2.1 . I have some old version graphs to help me but I am stuck on the following error -
[java] Checking graph failed! (Field name specified as a key doesn't exist: source_id)
[java] java.lang.RuntimeException: Field name specified as a key doesn't exist: source_id
<Node enabled="enabled" guiHeight="0" guiName="ExtMergeJoin" guiWidth="0" guiX="339" guiY="179" id="EXT_MERGE_JOIN0" joinKey="source_id" type="EXT_MERGE_JOIN">
<Metadata id="Metadata3" >
<Record name="source" type="delimited">
<Field delimiter="," name="source_code" nullable="true" shift="0" size="0" type="string"/>
<Field delimiter="\n" name="source_id" nullable="true" shift="0" size="0" type="integer"/>
<Metadata id="Metadata5">
<Record name="Output" recordSize="-1" type="delimited">
<Field delimiter="," name="source_code" nullable="true" shift="0" size="0" type="string"/>
<Field delimiter="," name="source_id" nullable="true" shift="0" size="0" type="integer"/>
<Field delimiter="\n" name="product_id" nullable="true" shift="0" size="0" type="integer"/>
<Metadata id="Metadata0" >
<Record name="product" recordSize="-1" type="delimited">
<Field delimiter="," name="source_code" nullable="true" shift="0" size="0" type="string"/>
<Field delimiter="\n" name="product_id" nullable="true" shift="0" size="0" type="integer"/>
Does version 2.1 support ExtMergeJoin ? .. how can I resolve the above issue ?
Thanks Agata for your help on the last post. Due to some constraints I wont be able to use the new version 2.9.2 ... so I need to change the transformation graphs created by the new tool to compile with older version 2.1 . I have some old version graphs to help me but I am stuck on the following error -
[java] Checking graph failed! (Field name specified as a key doesn't exist: source_id)
[java] java.lang.RuntimeException: Field name specified as a key doesn't exist: source_id
<Node enabled="enabled" guiHeight="0" guiName="ExtMergeJoin" guiWidth="0" guiX="339" guiY="179" id="EXT_MERGE_JOIN0" joinKey="source_id" type="EXT_MERGE_JOIN">
<Metadata id="Metadata3" >
<Record name="source" type="delimited">
<Field delimiter="," name="source_code" nullable="true" shift="0" size="0" type="string"/>
<Field delimiter="\n" name="source_id" nullable="true" shift="0" size="0" type="integer"/>
<Metadata id="Metadata5">
<Record name="Output" recordSize="-1" type="delimited">
<Field delimiter="," name="source_code" nullable="true" shift="0" size="0" type="string"/>
<Field delimiter="," name="source_id" nullable="true" shift="0" size="0" type="integer"/>
<Field delimiter="\n" name="product_id" nullable="true" shift="0" size="0" type="integer"/>
<Metadata id="Metadata0" >
<Record name="product" recordSize="-1" type="delimited">
<Field delimiter="," name="source_code" nullable="true" shift="0" size="0" type="string"/>
<Field delimiter="\n" name="product_id" nullable="true" shift="0" size="0" type="integer"/>
Does version 2.1 support ExtMergeJoin ? .. how can I resolve the above issue ?
the message means, that field source_id doesn't exist in an input metadata. Your joinKey should probaly have form $source_id(a)#$product_id(a);, ie $masterKey#$slaveKey -
Hi ,
I removed the $ and # from $SOURCE_CODE#$SOURCE_CODE and changed it to SOURCE_CODE=SOURCE_CODE
<Node enabled="enabled" guiHeight="0" guiName="ExtMergeJoin" guiWidth="0" guiX="449" guiY="290" id="EXT_MERGE_JOIN0" joinKey="SOURCE_CODE=SOURCE_CODE;" type="EXT_MERGE_JOIN">
Now I able to make the new version graphs work with the older version :D but I still have some questions about modifications I made ..
I was trying to use the OracleDataWriter component and the sqlldr utility failed with older version so I used DBOutputTable
Does OracleDataWriter work with older version ?
and the graphs are running slower with the older version .. :(
Ashish -
Hello Ashish,
OracleDataWriter exists since 2.2 CloverETL version and it's a lot of faster then DBOutputTable (see comparison in DataDirect’s OracleDB JDBC driver speed test).
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