I'm in charge of a database migration project to migrate a big DB (over 100000 life insurance policies & related information) from a client to a new database schema used by our software.
The ETL software would be used to extract data from the source DB (or a file with extracted data) and send a JMS message containing the transformed data in XML format which will be parsed and processed by the target system.
Some requirements are:
* Advanced transformation of data (I suppose this is OK for Clover)
* View / manipulate / validate data before and after transformation. Validation required before sending it to the target system.
* Error handling: when a message sent to the target system can not be processed (due to corrupt or missing data for example), a JMS message will be sent back to notify the ETL software that certain data was in error. The user should be able to view all elements in error and be able to correct and resend them.
* Monitoring of throughput and performance statistics
* Clustering / parallelism
* Load balancing
Please let me know if any of the above requirements would be a problem for Clover.
Thanks in advance!
I'm in charge of a database migration project to migrate a big DB (over 100000 life insurance policies & related information) from a client to a new database schema used by our software.
The ETL software would be used to extract data from the source DB (or a file with extracted data) and send a JMS message containing the transformed data in XML format which will be parsed and processed by the target system.
Some requirements are:
* Advanced transformation of data (I suppose this is OK for Clover)
* View / manipulate / validate data before and after transformation. Validation required before sending it to the target system.
* Error handling: when a message sent to the target system can not be processed (due to corrupt or missing data for example), a JMS message will be sent back to notify the ETL software that certain data was in error. The user should be able to view all elements in error and be able to correct and resend them.
* Monitoring of throughput and performance statistics
* Clustering / parallelism
* Load balancing
Please let me know if any of the above requirements would be a problem for Clover.
Thanks in advance!
You should be able to do everything from your list. Some of it is a direct Clover functionality, some (Error handling) is a thing which you develop inside the transformation graphs - the logic.
As for the Monitoring, Clustering and Load balancing - this is something delivered by CloverETL Server - thus not available as an open source.
If you would like to discuss your requirements in more detail, let us know at info@cloveretl.com
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