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    Are you talking about

    a) org.jetel.graph.Trash -> an class implementing OutPort interface

    This (used from inside Java code) could be used like this:

    OutputPort trash= new Trash("some ID", metadata);

    Such code will satisfy DataIntersection component - its particular output port.
    Don't forget that you would need special instance of org.jetel.graph.Trash class to be assigned to particular port of node

    b) org.jetel.component.Trash -> a node/component with one input port for reading data ?

    This may be connected as any other component to DataIntersection component through DirectEdge

    Node intersec=new DataIntersection(....);
    Node trash = new org.jetel.component.Trash(...);


    I would suggest using org.jetel.component.Trash node asi this is similar what you could achieve by assembling the graph from XML prescription, but the a) option should work as well - it actually shows how you could connect to Clover's component your own "adapter" which can interact with the component at data level - either provide data or read data.

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