let's say I have a Denormalizer key = "acct_no; address; phone", and if my data is:
acct_no, address, phone, name
1, "100 A. St, SF, CA 94111", , Adam
1, "100 A. St, SF, CA 94111", , Alex
they should be denormalized to just 1 output... but Clover is creating me an output with these 2 records...
how can i use the Denormalizer to create just 1 record based on my key?
let's say I have a Denormalizer key = "acct_no; address; phone", and if my data is:
acct_no, address, phone, name
1, "100 A. St, SF, CA 94111", , Adam
1, "100 A. St, SF, CA 94111", , Alex
they should be denormalized to just 1 output... but Clover is creating me an output with these 2 records...
how can i use the Denormalizer to create just 1 record based on my key?
you can't do that in Denormalize node. The workaround could be setting "phone" field as not nullable with default value (eg. "unknnown" ) and then strip this value in Denormalizer. -
I got it working with your suggestion. Thanks!!
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