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Get Input Filename

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    Additionally, I seem to be having difficulties with the wildcard recognition for the Reader. According to the manual:
    The syntax I have for fileURL should grab all files in the directory. However, this doesn't seem to be the case. It will only grab the first file.
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    My graph reads all the files from the designated directory. Could you show your graph?
    To your first question:
    When reading you can add to your metadata field with auto_filling="source_name" and when writing you can use attributes partition, partitionFileTag, partitionKey and partitionOutFields.
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    Here's a simple one. UniversalDataReader with fileURL=${DATAIN_DIR}/*.txt, sending output to Trash.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Graph author="scndmouse" created="Wed Feb 18 19:55:05 GMT-05:00 2009" guiVersion="2.1" id="1235006073559" licenseType="Evaluation license." modified="Thu Feb 19 11:43:40 GMT-05:00 2009" modifiedBy="scndmouse" name="test2" revision="1.77">
    <Metadata id="Metadata0" previewAttachmentCharset="ISO-8859-1">
    <Record fieldDelimiter=":" name="recordName1" previewAttachmentCharset="ISO-8859-1" recordDelimiter="\n" type="delimited">
    <Field name="field1" type="string"/>
    <Field name="field2" type="string"/>
    <Property fileURL="workspace.prm" id="GraphParameter0"/>
    <Phase number="0">
    <Node enabled="enabled" fileURL="${DATAIN_DIR}/*.txt" guiHeight="0" guiName="UniversalDataReader" guiWidth="0" guiX="128" guiY="160" id="DATA_READER0" numRecords="1" skipRows="3" type="DATA_READER"/>
    <Edge debugMode="true" fromNode="DATA_READER0:0" guiBendpoints="" id="Edge1" inPort="Port 0 (in)" metadata="Metadata0" outPort="Port 0 (output)" toNode="TRASH0:0"/>
    <Phase number="1">
    <Node enabled="enabled" guiHeight="0" guiName="Trash" guiWidth="0" guiX="352" guiY="156" id="TRASH0" type="TRASH"/>

    allow me to play dumb and ask, where do set the auto_filling attribute using cloverGUI?
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    Your graph read only one record, because you've set it (Max number of records) - if you want to read all records don't set this parameter.
    Auto filling you can set in metadata editor (see Metadata Editor)
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    ok. changed the parameter and verified that it does read all files. But that's not exactly what I was hoping for. I was expecting the "Skip rows" and "Max number of rows" parameters to be applied per file. Instead it seems like the Reader is just concatenating both files into a single stream (only skipping the number of rows defined in the first file).

    I guess I'm looking for a way to iterate over a set of files and apply the same transform per file.
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    Your request has been reported ( and will be implemented in next version. In time being you have to use Reformat node, with your transformation skipping records from each input file.
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    You may also use Dedup component and set the dedup key be name of the file - field, where the name is stored. Then you can specify whether you want first one, two, three,.... records from each file.

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