No applicable constructor/method found for actual parameters "java.lang.String" is the error message I am receiving.
I am writing Java behind a Reformat transform as below
The problem is on the line:
As you can see, I have tried casting the string to an Object (since the error said a constructor existed for Object). However, I get the same error message. It's still trying to use a String even after the explicit cast.
I don't know what to do. Help?
I am writing Java behind a Reformat transform as below
// automatically generated on Thu Aug 26 16:37:59 EDT 2010
import java.util.*;
import org.jetel.graph.*;
import org.jetel.metadata.*;
import org.jetel.component.*;
import org.jetel.exception.*;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import com.mysgi.image.ItemImage;
public class Transform extends DataRecordTransform {
final List images;
final String BAD_FILENAME_CHARS = "\\/:*?\"<>|&=%";
final String BAD_FILENAME_REPLACE = "------------";
* Initializes reformat class/function. This method is called only once at then
* beginning of transformation process. Any object allocation/initialization should
* happen here.
public boolean init() throws ComponentNotReadyException {
images = ImageFinder.getImageRecords();
return true;
* Performs reformat of source records to target records.
* This method is called as one step in transforming flow of
* records.
public int transform(DataRecord[] inputRecords, DataRecord[] outputRecords) throws TransformException {
try {
// user's code STARTs from here !
String strippedName;
strippedName = StringUtils.replaceChars( ${in.0.ItemNum},
if(images.contains(strippedName)) {
// user's code ENDs here !
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new TransformException("Error in transformation class " + Transform.class.getName() + ": " + e.getMessage(), e);
return ALL;
* Method called at the end of transformation process. No more
* records will be processed. The implementing class should release
* any resource reserved during init() or runtime at this point.
public void finished() {
//end of transform class
The problem is on the line:
As you can see, I have tried casting the string to an Object (since the error said a constructor existed for Object). However, I get the same error message. It's still trying to use a String even after the explicit cast.
I don't know what to do. Help?
instead of
For performance improvement use rather field's numbers instead of theirs names, eg.:
outputRecords[0].getField(0).setValue(inputRecords[0].getField(0)); //${out.0.ItemID}=${in.0.ItemID}
outputRecords[0].getField(1).setValue(inputRecords[0].getField(1)); // ${out.0.ItemNumber}=${in.0.ItemNum}
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