I'm trying to use our JDBC drivers (http://www.datadirect.com) with Clover to talk to either Oracle or DB2. I've successfully connected to a local mysql using the driver you provide, and when I go to define the database connection to either Oracle or DB2, the "Validate connection" button implies success ("Connection valid" appears at top if I validate.)
However, if I try to continue by hitting the "Next>" button, I get an error of "Unable to estabilish database connection".
The drivers are working without issue in a couple of other apps, so they appear to be fine.
I downloaded the full Eclipse with Clover embedded earlier today.
Any suggestions?
I'm trying to use our JDBC drivers (http://www.datadirect.com) with Clover to talk to either Oracle or DB2. I've successfully connected to a local mysql using the driver you provide, and when I go to define the database connection to either Oracle or DB2, the "Validate connection" button implies success ("Connection valid" appears at top if I validate.)
However, if I try to continue by hitting the "Next>" button, I get an error of "Unable to estabilish database connection".
The drivers are working without issue in a couple of other apps, so they appear to be fine.
I downloaded the full Eclipse with Clover embedded earlier today.
Any suggestions?
I've tried to test CloverETL with your drivers, but, for Oracle as well as for DB2, I get error "This driver is locked for use with embedded applications." Could you give me some hints how to make the drivers working? -
The drivers you're testing must have come with some other app. Those are locked such that they only work with the app that distributes them. You need what we refer to as an "open" driver - drivers that will work with any app.
You can go to our site and download fully functional eval versions (15 day timeout), no charge, just by filling out a form.
I just tried to use Oracle's thin driver, and had the same results. The connection would validate, but would not establish a connection when I tried to use the "Next >" button.
Thoughts? -
I'm trying to do this on an Intel MacBook Pro, running latest versions of Mac OS X and Java, 1.6.0_15 -
Hello, I tested connecting to Oracle from Clover with ojdbc14.jar driver from Mac computer and it works properly. Probably there is problem with your database or network.
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