I have made a database connection to the graph from Link DB connection.
When I run the graph I am faced with the following error.
"ptimizing connection failed: READ_COMMITTED and SERIALIZABLE are the only valid transaction levels"
I have used the oracle's ojdbc14.jar specific jar
Kindly tell me the solution for the same
Below is the log.The graph runs successfully.
DEBUG [WatchDog] - all edges initialized successfully...
DEBUG [WatchDog] - initializing nodes:
INFO [WatchDog] - Select * from UP
WARN [WatchDog] - Optimizing connection failed: READ_COMMITTED and SERIALIZABLE are the only valid transaction levels
WARN [WatchDog] - Try to use another jdbc specific
DEBUG [WatchDog] - DB_EXECUTE0 ...OK
INFO [WatchDog] - [Clover] phase: 0 initialized successfully.
INFO [WatchDog] - Starting up all nodes in phase [0]
DEBUG [WatchDog] - DATA_WRITER0 ... started
DEBUG [WatchDog] - DB_EXECUTE0 ... started
INFO [WatchDog] - Successfully started all nodes in phase!
INFO [WatchDog] - ----------------------** Final tracking Log for phase [0] **---------------------
INFO [WatchDog] - Time: 11/02/10 12:11:14
INFO [WatchDog] - Node Status Port #Records #KB aRec/s aKB/s
INFO [WatchDog] - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO [WatchDog] - %cpu:.. In:0 0 0 0 0
INFO [WatchDog] - %cpu:.. Out:0 0 0 0 0
INFO [WatchDog] - ---------------------------------** End of Log **--------------------------------
INFO [WatchDog] - Execution of phase [0] successfully finished - elapsed time(sec): 5
INFO [WatchDog] - -----------------------** Summary of Phases execution **---------------------
INFO [WatchDog] - Phase# Finished Status RunTime(sec) MemoryAllocation(KB)
INFO [WatchDog] - 0 FINISHED_OK 5 2498
INFO [WatchDog] - ------------------------------** End of Summary **---------------------------
INFO [WatchDog] - WatchDog thread finished - total execution time: 5 (sec)
INFO [main] - Freeing graph resources.
INFO [main] - Execution of graph successful !
The node code for the same is as below
I have made a database connection to the graph from Link DB connection.
When I run the graph I am faced with the following error.
"ptimizing connection failed: READ_COMMITTED and SERIALIZABLE are the only valid transaction levels"
I have used the oracle's ojdbc14.jar specific jar
Kindly tell me the solution for the same
Below is the log.The graph runs successfully.
DEBUG [WatchDog] - all edges initialized successfully...
DEBUG [WatchDog] - initializing nodes:
INFO [WatchDog] - Select * from UP
WARN [WatchDog] - Optimizing connection failed: READ_COMMITTED and SERIALIZABLE are the only valid transaction levels
WARN [WatchDog] - Try to use another jdbc specific
DEBUG [WatchDog] - DB_EXECUTE0 ...OK
INFO [WatchDog] - [Clover] phase: 0 initialized successfully.
INFO [WatchDog] - Starting up all nodes in phase [0]
DEBUG [WatchDog] - DATA_WRITER0 ... started
DEBUG [WatchDog] - DB_EXECUTE0 ... started
INFO [WatchDog] - Successfully started all nodes in phase!
INFO [WatchDog] - ----------------------** Final tracking Log for phase [0] **---------------------
INFO [WatchDog] - Time: 11/02/10 12:11:14
INFO [WatchDog] - Node Status Port #Records #KB aRec/s aKB/s
INFO [WatchDog] - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO [WatchDog] - %cpu:.. In:0 0 0 0 0
INFO [WatchDog] - %cpu:.. Out:0 0 0 0 0
INFO [WatchDog] - ---------------------------------** End of Log **--------------------------------
INFO [WatchDog] - Execution of phase [0] successfully finished - elapsed time(sec): 5
INFO [WatchDog] - -----------------------** Summary of Phases execution **---------------------
INFO [WatchDog] - Phase# Finished Status RunTime(sec) MemoryAllocation(KB)
INFO [WatchDog] - 0 FINISHED_OK 5 2498
INFO [WatchDog] - ------------------------------** End of Summary **---------------------------
INFO [WatchDog] - WatchDog thread finished - total execution time: 5 (sec)
INFO [main] - Freeing graph resources.
INFO [main] - Execution of graph successful !
The node code for the same is as below
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Graph author="ashgfahdf" created="Tue Feb 02 10:46:14 IST 2010" guiVersion="2.8.2.RC1" id="1265107159356" licenseCode="javlinconsulting" licenseType="Commercial PRO" modified="Thu Feb 11 12:11:27 IST 2010" modifiedBy="ghshj" name="test" revision="1.30">
<Metadata id="Metadata0" previewAttachmentCharset="ISO-8859-1">
<Record fieldDelimiter=";" name="UP_GROUP" previewAttachmentCharset="ISO-8859-1" recordDelimiter="\n" recordSize="-1" type="delimited">
<Field eofAsDelimiter="false" name="GROUP_ID" nullable="true" shift="0" size="0" type="string"/>
<Field eofAsDelimiter="false" name="CREATOR_ID" nullable="true" shift="0" size="0" type="string"/>
<Field eofAsDelimiter="false" name="ENTITY_TYPE_ID" nullable="true" shift="0" size="0" type="number"/>
<Field eofAsDelimiter="false" name="GROUP_NAME" nullable="true" shift="0" size="0" type="string"/>
<Field eofAsDelimiter="false" name="DESCRIPTION" nullable="true" shift="0" size="0" type="string"/>
<Connection dbConfig="${CONN_DIR}/SconnNew.cfg" id="Connection0" type="JDBC"/>
<Property fileURL="workspace.prm" id="GraphParameter0"/>
<Phase number="0">
<Node enabled="enabled" fileURL="${DATAOUT_DIR}/testQuery.txt" guiHeight="0" guiName="UniversalDataWriter" guiWidth="0" guiX="376" guiY="169" id="DATA_WRITER0" type="DATA_WRITER"/>
<Node dbConnection="Connection0" enabled="enabled" guiHeight="0" guiName="DBExecute" guiWidth="0" guiX="141" guiY="169" id="DB_EXECUTE0" printStatements="true" sqlQuery="Select * from UP" type="DB_EXECUTE"/>
<Edge debugMode="true" fromNode="DB_EXECUTE0:0" guiBendpoints="" id="Edge1" inPort="Port 0 (in)" metadata="Metadata0" outPort="Port 0 (procedure output)" toNode="DATA_WRITER0:0"/>
these two messages mean, that DB doesn't support READ_UNCOMMITED transaction isolation level. Clover tries to set this level to achieve faster reading from the database.
It's not vital and graph execution goes on.
I've created an issue (http://bug.cloveretl.com/view.php?id=3750) to not call thees settings for Oracle connection. -
Thank you very much avackova
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