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Support for User Defined Data Types

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    adding real custom data types into clover is not an easy task, especially if it should be also understood by the CTL interpreter/compiler and the GUI. For the engine, it is actually quite simple as you would just implement your data type to reflect what base class requires - mostly it revolves around (de)serializing.
    For the GUI - mostly the metadata editor, that would require also some coding. The CTL would be probably the most complex one as it also allows compiling directly to Java code.

    Nonetheless, most of the "custom data type" features you mentioned is already provided by clover. For example the SIN number is probably just a string with some validating pattern - clover StringDataField allows validating pattern to be defined. Similarly for the currency - clover's decimal field with proper format would do the trick. If this is what you need, you don't really need to change clover internally, just to provide some kind of wrapper or proxy on top of existing functionality to make it a bit easier for the end user.

    As for the full support for user data types - we have been considering it a few times and so far decided that this is not a priority. It might appear in Clover 4.0 which will be major overhaul of current clover.

    If you would like to discuss this in a bit more detail, let us know at

    David Pavlis

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