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Problems running graphs from Tomcat Servlet

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    what do you mean by sub-graphs? If you run graphs from RunGraph component try to set attribute sameInstance="true".
    Or you run the graph from the java code? From your web application? runGraph(graphFileName, pluginDirs, propertiesFileName) is method in some java object?
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    There is one 'flow control graph' that will direct data through several steps including 6 multi-threaded sub-graphs(up to 20 threads each). The process was broken up like this because of frequent out of memory errors while processing large files(dozens to hundreds of MB).

    I am now attempting to integrate this mostly manual process by attaching the graph to a web front-end that is already being used to submit files for processing.

    I'll try running the sub-graphs as part of the same instance, but if that is the only way to fix this problem, the automation will probably only work for smaller files(better than nothing, but not the desired goal).

    Thanks for the suggestion.
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    the RunGraph component for running graphs in different jvm can be replaced with SystemExecute and clover(.bat) script.
    Following is the linux version:
    <Node id="SYS_EXECUTE0" interpreter="xargs sh ${}" type="SYS_EXECUTE">
    <attr name="command"><![CDATA[cd <path_to_the_project_with_graph_to_run>
    <path_to_the _CloverETL_Designer_directory>/lib/bin/clover $1]]></attr>

    You can also download xargs for Windows( and then the node should look as follows:

    <Node id="SYS_EXECUTE0" interpreter="C:/GnuWin32/bin/xargs ${}" type="SYS_EXECUTE">
    <attr name="command"><![CDATA[cd <path_to_the_project_with_graph_to_run>
    <path_to_the _CloverETL_Designer_directory>/lib/bin/clover.bat %1]]></attr>

    In both cases graph name flows through input port.

    <path_to_the _CloverETL_Designer_directory> should be something like D:/eclipse/plugins/com.cloveretl.gui_X.X.X

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