I'm using CloverETL Community version.
I wish to use DBExecute with some simple (Postgres) SQL such as: select setval('table_col_seq',1); or select count(*) from table;
I always get the error: "org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: A result was returned when none was expected." How do I get around this? I cannot change the db from PG btw.
I wish to use DBExecute with some simple (Postgres) SQL such as: select setval('table_col_seq',1); or select count(*) from table;
I always get the error: "org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: A result was returned when none was expected." How do I get around this? I cannot change the db from PG btw.
Hello Chris,
to get data from database use DBInputTable component. DBExecute component can execute update or procedure call. You can find examples of reading/writing data to/from databases among our examples (http://sourceforge.net/projects/clovere ... p/download) -
I have read the documentation in some detail. If I enter: select setval('table_col_seq',1); into DBExecute (I'm not interested in return data), it fails with the error given previously. How do I avoid getting this error?
Chris -
Select statement can't be executed with DBExecute component. If you want to execute the statement, that (may) returns the result set, you have to use DBInputTable. -
Perhaps you could update the DBExecute doc section to make this clear.
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