Hi there,
I'm discovering Clover, and so far it's great !
I'm facing a little problem, I need to create a connection to a IBM DB2 database but when I have to choose dbms from the available drivers, I can find :
- derby
- Oracle
- PostgreSQL
- SQLite
- Sybase
- sun.jdbc.odbc.jdbcOdbcDriver
All the icons on the right that would let me add a drivers are deactivated. How can i install the DB2 driver ? Where should i download it ?
Thx to all
I'm discovering Clover, and so far it's great !
I'm facing a little problem, I need to create a connection to a IBM DB2 database but when I have to choose dbms from the available drivers, I can find :
- derby
- Oracle
- PostgreSQL
- SQLite
- Sybase
- sun.jdbc.odbc.jdbcOdbcDriver
All the icons on the right that would let me add a drivers are deactivated. How can i install the DB2 driver ? Where should i download it ?
Thx to all
you apparently use CloverETL Community Edition. This version does not allow to connect, to database other than listed. Connections with custom db driver are available in commercial CloverETL Desktop or open source CloverETL Engine (this product is without graphical user interface).
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