I'm trying to read in multiple csv files from an FTP account, so my reader's file url is
, which works. However, the url is supposed to be dynamically generated by the Data Generator component, which will push the url through the edge and into the reader. Now my reader's file url is port:$0.fieldname:source and when I run the graph I get an error that says:
I know that the url is valid though since if I copy paste the url from the error message directly to the reader, it works. My guess is that if the reader is reading in from an input port and the source type is "source" it gets an error if the url has a '*' sign. If that's the case, how do I make it work? Any thoughts?
I'm trying to read in multiple csv files from an FTP account, so my reader's file url is
, which works. However, the url is supposed to be dynamically generated by the Data Generator component, which will push the url through the edge and into the reader. Now my reader's file url is port:$0.fieldname:source and when I run the graph I get an error that says:
Can't obtain input stream URL 'ftp://username:password@ftp.host.com/folder/*FileToRead*.csv' make sure its a valid url.
I know that the url is valid though since if I copy paste the url from the error message directly to the reader, it works. My guess is that if the reader is reading in from an input port and the source type is "source" it gets an error if the url has a '*' sign. If that's the case, how do I make it work? Any thoughts?
Hi pOctavian,
(we also answered your message on support@cloveretl.com)
You are right in your guess. Asterisk sign serves as a wildcard mask here and we
are not currently supporting wildcard handling in the URLs with ":source" in it.
Workaround may be to use RunGraph component, which will pass each URL from your
list to another graph as parameter. Second graph will use this parameter in
UniversalDataReader url field. Let us know if this is feasible for you and we can
prepare some sample.
Best regards,
Lubos Imriska
Your CloverCARE Support team
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