Hello everyone,
I am a newbie to Clover ETL Designer. I am notice that under the ETL Designer tutorial section. I saw a few screenshots showing a number of graph files been stored under a /graph directory as shown in the screenshot below.
I would like to know if these files are available for download, as this would help me studying and practicing this new tool. Could you please send me a link or the location to download these example graphs.
Much appreciated.
I am a newbie to Clover ETL Designer. I am notice that under the ETL Designer tutorial section. I saw a few screenshots showing a number of graph files been stored under a /graph directory as shown in the screenshot below.
I would like to know if these files are available for download, as this would help me studying and practicing this new tool. Could you please send me a link or the location to download these example graphs.
Much appreciated.
Hi anhvuau,
The graphs you see are already in your computer, you do not have to download them. In your Designer, you can click on Help -> Welcome -> Explore examples and then on the example you want to see.
I also recommend you to visit http://www.cloveretl.com/documentation/quickstart/ and http://doc.cloveretl.com/documentation/ ... index.html as they also might be great sources of information for you.
Best regards,
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