Is it possible to set join type(say inner or left or outer) dynamically in the ExtHashjoin component. I'll know the join type and join key only at run time. I am able to set the "Join Key" dynamically using parameter. But not sure for the join type.
1) Would it be possible to set "Join type" property as parameter value?
2) Would it be possible to have some initialization component that comes before the ExtHashJoin and set the "Join type" property thro' the java code. If so, how?
Or Should i use any other joiner component to accomplish this.
Is it possible to set join type(say inner or left or outer) dynamically in the ExtHashjoin component. I'll know the join type and join key only at run time. I am able to set the "Join Key" dynamically using parameter. But not sure for the join type.
1) Would it be possible to set "Join type" property as parameter value?
2) Would it be possible to have some initialization component that comes before the ExtHashJoin and set the "Join type" property thro' the java code. If so, how?
Or Should i use any other joiner component to accomplish this.
Hi Senthil,
Setting Join Type attribute using a parameter is not supported in current version. For this issue I have created a new ticket in our tracking system ( please refer to https://bug.javlin.eu/browse/CLO-1715 ). At this moment, you may work the issue around using CloverETL JobFlows. All you have to do is to create three similar graphs. The only difference between those graphs would be the Join Type attribute (make one for each Join Type). In the JobFlow, you only need to select which graph is supposed to be used in a particular run. -
Hi Jan Slechta,
Thank you for your suggestion and filiing a new ticket for this. Is there any quick example you can point me to understand how to use "JobFlow"?
Senthil -
Hi Senthil,
A good source of information about Jobflows is our online documentation (you may directly refer to Jobflow Design Patterns). However, please note that in order to use Jobflows, you need to have valid CloverETL Server license. -
Hi Senthil,
I have told you incorrect information. You can pass Join types to joiners using a parameter. The thing is that you have to use a raw value as parameter value.
These values are:- inner for inner join
- leftouter for left outer join
- fullouter for full outer join
However, you still need to use Jobflows to set these parameters at run time (pass the the value to parameter in ExecuteGraph component).
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