Hi Guys
I have one requirement where in i need to load clob or BLOB data object into endeca data store.
From the documents i could see Endeca supports only
Boolean,Numeric,dateTime and String.
Is there a way to load image objects to data domains?
I have one requirement where in i need to load clob or BLOB data object into endeca data store.
From the documents i could see Endeca supports only
Boolean,Numeric,dateTime and String.
Is there a way to load image objects to data domains?
Hi varkashy,
Answer to this question is unfortunately outside the scope of CloverETL Support as we do not have any detailed knowledge of Endeca Data Store. Please contact Endeca support instead.
If you had some general database and you wanted to save an image into blob field, you could use metadata with byte field.
Kind regards, -
Lubos Imriska,
Thanks for the reply. I am also facing exactly issue as reported by varkashy.
I have a source field in oracle DB as a BLOB field which have a content of some text data in RTF format.
But when I used metadata as byte - only first character of the content is showing. Is there any way that I can get the full data ?
(Integrator version I am using is : Version: r729804 )
Please let me know I need to open a new thread for this.
Ranish -
Dear Ranish,
I am attaching my testing graph created in CloverETL Designer 3.5.0-M1. It is able to read an input rtf file, save it to Oracle 11 XE database table with BLOB column, read it from the db again and save it as a new file. It may help you with your graph. If it did not help, I recommend you to contact Endeca support directly.
Kind regards, -
Thank you very much.
I've verified this graph and its addressing the question posted.
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