I am new to clover ETL,
What I am trying is,
I have taken the output from facebook which returns data in json format
now i need to read that json file and convert it into .csv file.
Please suggest what are the steps to follow in clover ETL.
Any downloadable solutions available please let me know.
I am new to clover ETL,
What I am trying is,
I have taken the output from facebook which returns data in json format
now i need to read that json file and convert it into .csv file.
Please suggest what are the steps to follow in clover ETL.
Any downloadable solutions available please let me know.
Hi Nagaraj,
You can read JSON files by the JSONReader component. You have to set source of your JSON data (from file, from URL, etc.) and set content mapping of your JSON data to the CloverETL fields. For more details about mapping and JSONReader, please see the documentation:
For writing data to the CSV file, please use the UniversalDataWriter. Simply connect the JSONReader and the UniversalDataWriter through the edge and set desired metadata. In the metadata, you can specify fields that you needs.
For more details about metadata in CloverETL, please see the documentation:
I prepared simple demo of reading JSON file and writing to CSV file, please see the attachment.
Please note, the JSONReader component is not available in the CloverETL Designer Community edition. To try this demo, please install CloverETL Designer Trial version (http://www.cloveretl.com/getstarted).
I hope it will help you. Please feel free to ask any other question you might have.
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