Hi all,
I am new to Oracle endeca Information Discovery. I have integrated EBS with Oracle endeca Information Discovery with the help of below document.
Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Extensions for Oracle Endeca, Release (Doc ID 1562372.1).
I am trying to run ar (sanbox) in Clover ETL Integrator. While running this will refer the FullLoad.grf in common(sandbox).
This FullLoad.grf contains 4 phase named,
1.Audit Insert
2.InitData store
3.Reset Data Store
4.Load Configuration
Error occurred in Error Audit Component(DB_EXECUTE)
ORA-01756: quoted string not properly terminated
Code in Audit Update
$out.0.UpdateAuditSQL = 'UPDATE FND_EID_ETL_AUDITS SET ' +
'etl_run_end_date = SYSDATE, ' +
'etl_run_status = \'E\', ' +
'etl_comments = \'' + grfMessage + '\', ' +
'last_updated_by = ${FND_USER}, ' +
'last_update_date = SYSDATE, ' +
'last_update_login = ${FND_USER} ' +
'WHERE etl_run_end_date IS NULL AND ' +
'eid_instance_id = ${INSTANCE_ID} AND ' +
'etl_run_audit_id = ( SELECT MAX(etl_run_audit_id) ' +
'FROM fnd_eid_etl_audits WHERE ' +
'eid_data_store_name = \'${DATA_DOMAIN_NAME}\' AND ' +
'eid_instance_id = ${INSTANCE_ID} AND ' +
'etl_load_type = \'${LOAD_TYPE}\' AND ' +
'etl_run_lang = \'${LANGUAGE_CODE}\' AND ' +
'created_by = ${FND_USER})';
Guide me regarding this issue.
Thanks in advance.
I am new to Oracle endeca Information Discovery. I have integrated EBS with Oracle endeca Information Discovery with the help of below document.
Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Extensions for Oracle Endeca, Release (Doc ID 1562372.1).
I am trying to run ar (sanbox) in Clover ETL Integrator. While running this will refer the FullLoad.grf in common(sandbox).
This FullLoad.grf contains 4 phase named,
1.Audit Insert
2.InitData store
3.Reset Data Store
4.Load Configuration
Error occurred in Error Audit Component(DB_EXECUTE)
ORA-01756: quoted string not properly terminated
Code in Audit Update
$out.0.UpdateAuditSQL = 'UPDATE FND_EID_ETL_AUDITS SET ' +
'etl_run_end_date = SYSDATE, ' +
'etl_run_status = \'E\', ' +
'etl_comments = \'' + grfMessage + '\', ' +
'last_updated_by = ${FND_USER}, ' +
'last_update_date = SYSDATE, ' +
'last_update_login = ${FND_USER} ' +
'WHERE etl_run_end_date IS NULL AND ' +
'eid_instance_id = ${INSTANCE_ID} AND ' +
'etl_run_audit_id = ( SELECT MAX(etl_run_audit_id) ' +
'FROM fnd_eid_etl_audits WHERE ' +
'eid_data_store_name = \'${DATA_DOMAIN_NAME}\' AND ' +
'eid_instance_id = ${INSTANCE_ID} AND ' +
'etl_load_type = \'${LOAD_TYPE}\' AND ' +
'etl_run_lang = \'${LANGUAGE_CODE}\' AND ' +
'created_by = ${FND_USER})';
Guide me regarding this issue.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Raji,
There is "Print statements" property on DBExecute so please enable it. Then in Console you should see SQL statement actually sent to DB.
My guess is that parameters (like ${LANGUAGE_CODE}) in CTL2 code you sent contains quotes - so breaks result statement. If you build SQL statement on your own, you need to take a care of quotes escaping.
I hope this helps. -
Hi Kubosj,
Thanks for your replay. Its helpful to me.
After recreating the Data Domain of ar, graph of ar(sanbox) run successfully.
I have checked Data Source in Endeca Studio. ar,ar-oirdspt and ar-oirtrx are in connection success. I have attached this for your reference.
While opening the ar dashboard page i'm getting errors.
Please find the attachment and guide me regarding this.
Thanks in advance. -
Hi Raji,
This question is out of CloverETL scope. Please contact Endeca/Oracle support for getting help.
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