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Conflict between EmailSender and 7-zip in parallel

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    Pedro Vazquez Rosario
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    Hi jzhu,

    The reason that the Jobflow is failing is related to the fact that the SMTP connection to the EmailSender is being created at the beginning of the phase. So if the whole job has only one phase, and the job takes longer than 90 seconds before the email is sent, the connection will fail (timeout). We advise to have the EmailSender in a different phase, that being said in order to improve the processing time, I would recommend placing the EmailSender into a child jobflow or a child graph. Furthermore, I will add an improvement request in our tracking system to add a setting to manually set the timeout of the EmailSender.
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    Pedro Vazquez Rosario
    Comment actions Permalink
    Hi jhzu,

    We noticed that in the log you sent there was a APR error and we would like to get some more information:

    • Can you please share your server xml file (please remove any sensitive data)

    • Did you download the clover.war file or did you download the bundle that includes tomcat and the clover.war file

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