I am currently evaluating the tool for an ETL data load exercise. And I am very happy with whatever I have seen so far.
One of the requirement is that I should be able to load data from XLS file and insert into database. This is simple.
But the other part of it is that if the transformation failed for a record due to data type or lookup failure, it should update the source spreadsheet itself with error details.
Can anyone give me a general idea of how the graph should be created to channel the error into source XLS and write the error details in its own column on the same row as that of data.
One of the requirement is that I should be able to load data from XLS file and insert into database. This is simple.
But the other part of it is that if the transformation failed for a record due to data type or lookup failure, it should update the source spreadsheet itself with error details.
Can anyone give me a general idea of how the graph should be created to channel the error into source XLS and write the error details in its own column on the same row as that of data.
It is not possible. You can only join rejected records from DBOutputTable with the original records (with left outer join) and then save them again in xls file.
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