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Comments 4

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    Hello, I believe you can use the first use case. The first component reads a xml file (last matadata field must use eofDelimiter if you use UniversalDataReader..), the second component is XSLTTranformer and the last component is XMLXpathReader.

    There is one condition you must set up appropriate field/record size in 'defaultProperties' file for the xml data.
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    The first component reads a xml file (last matadata field must use eofDelimiter if you use UniversalDataReader..)


    which component reads a raw XML file? i've only been able to do that in the past with the XmlXPathReader. could you give me an idea of components to use and the metadata setup?
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    You can use whatever reader (JMS, Universal, DBInputTable,...) and get whole xml into a field. I don't know how big is your xml file and it can cause memory problem. If you have simple file, you can use ie UniversalDataReader and metadata:

    <Metadata id="Metadata0">
    <Record name="recordName1" type="delimited">
    <Field eofAsDelimiter="true" name="field1" type="byte"/>

    Or you can also use SystemExecute/JavaExecute component the xslt tranformation.
    Or you can derive XSLTransformer component for your purpose but this is not easy for common user.
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    Suggested solution is reasonable only for really small xml files, which are able to fit in a single field. This XSLT component should be able transform xml directly from file as well. I have committed new feature request to our bug system.

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