Hello together,
i try to install an eval-version of CloverGUI. I followed the instructions on the install guide, but it's impossible to connect to the repository.
After entering the login-information i have to reenter the login-information again and again ...
I use Eclipse 3.3 and 3.4 .
There are no problems with WinXP.
Any idea's ?!
i try to install an eval-version of CloverGUI. I followed the instructions on the install guide, but it's impossible to connect to the repository.
After entering the login-information i have to reenter the login-information again and again ...
I use Eclipse 3.3 and 3.4 .
There are no problems with WinXP.
Any idea's ?!
this time we were releasing new version, which could cause problems. Pls try to download it again.
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