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High Data Volumn ETL Performance

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    the best practice to load data from one table to another in the same database is to do it inside the database. If you want to do it with CloverETL, you can use DBExecute component with query like this: insert into my_table select * from another_table. Pulling data out from the database and putting them in has to be slower while the data has to be parsed during the reading and formatted when writing.
    Here are some tips for speed increasing of DBInput/OutputTable component:
    • ensure you use our built-in connection with proper jdbcSpecific

    • increase the fetchSize parameter in DBInputTable

    • enable batchMode and increase batchSize=10000 and commitSize=1000000 in DBOutputTable

    • use bulk loader instead of DBOutputTable :wink:
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    You also have to consider the slowest point in your operation: network. You are pulling data out of your database which has to travel through the network to where your ETL process is running (local client?), then it has to go all the way back to the database.


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