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Problem using LDAPWriter

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    LDAPWriter requires at least two fields in input metadata for adding entries to LDAP:
      dn - it's a unique identifier of entry in LDAP hierarchy
      objectClass - it specifies the type of entry in LDAP

    The other fields in the input metadata depend on the value of objectClass field.
    For example if the entry has objectClass="person" then the fields cn and sn are also required. They are mandatory for "person" object. "Person" object has also several optional attributes: userPassword, telephoneNumber, seeAlso and description. These fields can be in the input metadata but they aren't required.

    For more information about mandatory and optional attributes of LDAP object, see LDAP documentation.

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    Thanks for that suggestion.
    Can you clarify as to what kind of input files can I give to the input port of LDAPWriter
    I mean should the file be a delimited or fixed or a ldif file?
    Also is it we have use a ldif parser(custom java code or any) and then give the input to the LDAPWriter?
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    Hey petr,

    I got the solution for my problem.
    I did made a point to keep the mandatory attributes.
    I was successful in inserting the data to target LDAP
    Thanks a ton for the reply :D

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