When I attempt to do the ldap transfer of data for one of the subtree.
I am presented with the following error in console.
This might be due to the reason the no of attribute records are more.
It says to set the property in defaultProperties file which is located in “org/jetel/data/” subdirectory of CloverETL engine.
I have downloaded the free version of the engine but I do not found any such directories.
Please suggest how exactly this cab be achieved?
Is it possible to achieve this only with the CloverETL designer version too?
Node INPUT1 finished with status: ERROR caused by: The size of data buffer is only 12288. Set appropriate parameter in defautProperties file.
ERROR [WatchDog] - Node INPUT1 error details:
java.lang.RuntimeException: The size of data buffer is only 12288. Set appropriate parameter in defautProperties file.
at org.jetel.data.StringDataField.serialize(StringDataField.java:372)
at org.jetel.data.DataRecord.serialize(DataRecord.java:465)
at org.jetel.graph.DirectEdge.writeRecord(DirectEdge.java:239)
at org.jetel.graph.Edge.writeRecord(Edge.java:349)
at org.jetel.graph.Node.writeRecordBroadcast(Node.java:774)
at com.linagora.component.LdapReader.execute(LdapReader.java:225)
at org.jetel.graph.Node.run(Node.java:390)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
Caused by: java.nio.BufferOverflowException
at java.nio.Buffer.nextPutIndex(Unknown Source)
at java.nio.DirectByteBuffer.putChar(Unknown Source)
at org.jetel.data.StringDataField.serialize(StringDataField.java:369)
When I attempt to do the ldap transfer of data for one of the subtree.
I am presented with the following error in console.
This might be due to the reason the no of attribute records are more.
It says to set the property in defaultProperties file which is located in “org/jetel/data/” subdirectory of CloverETL engine.
I have downloaded the free version of the engine but I do not found any such directories.
Please suggest how exactly this cab be achieved?
Is it possible to achieve this only with the CloverETL designer version too?
Node INPUT1 finished with status: ERROR caused by: The size of data buffer is only 12288. Set appropriate parameter in defautProperties file.
ERROR [WatchDog] - Node INPUT1 error details:
java.lang.RuntimeException: The size of data buffer is only 12288. Set appropriate parameter in defautProperties file.
at org.jetel.data.StringDataField.serialize(StringDataField.java:372)
at org.jetel.data.DataRecord.serialize(DataRecord.java:465)
at org.jetel.graph.DirectEdge.writeRecord(DirectEdge.java:239)
at org.jetel.graph.Edge.writeRecord(Edge.java:349)
at org.jetel.graph.Node.writeRecordBroadcast(Node.java:774)
at com.linagora.component.LdapReader.execute(LdapReader.java:225)
at org.jetel.graph.Node.run(Node.java:390)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
Caused by: java.nio.BufferOverflowException
at java.nio.Buffer.nextPutIndex(Unknown Source)
at java.nio.DirectByteBuffer.putChar(Unknown Source)
at org.jetel.data.StringDataField.serialize(StringDataField.java:369)
you need to increase the Record.MAX_RECORD_SIZE property value. It can be done by changing the value in the original defaultProperties file or by overriding it in the new file: just create new file with increased value of the property eg.:
and use -config switch when running graph (see Changing Default Clover Settings) -
The original file is contained in the cloveretl.engine.jar file in its org/jetel/data subfolder. Copy the file from this place to your project directory and do what described above.
You have also suggested about creating a new defaultProperties file in the project file.
I have created the file in the project folder.
But I am faced with the following error
NFO [main] - Running on 2 CPU(s), OS Windows XP, architecture x86, Java version 1.5.0_06, max available memory for JVM 65088 KB
INFO [main] - Loading default properties from: defaultProperties
INFO [main] - Loading Clover properties from file:defaultProperties
WARN [main] - Unable to load properties from 'defaultProperties'.
java.io.FileNotFoundException: defaultProperties (The system cannot find the file specified)
at java.io.FileInputStream.open(Native Method)
at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(Unknown Source)
at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(Unknown Source)
at org.jetel.data.Defaults.initProperties(Defaults.java:70)
at org.jetel.data.Defaults.init(Defaults.java:179)
at org.jetel.graph.runtime.EngineInitializer.initEngine(EngineInitializer.java:70)
at org.jetel.main.runGraph.main(runGraph.java:289) -
Please check the file name or write it with whole path.
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