I'm currently evaluating the etl tools between. I can't find any component from Clover that can run Java custom code against input records. Clover's javaExecute doesn't accept input data. Is there other component I'm missed or a template to do work similar to Talend's tJavaFlex.
There are many components in CloverETL which can run directly Java code. Each component which has transform function (Reformat, all joiners, Normalizer, etc.) has following attributes where Java code can be used instead of internal CTL scripting language: - transform - allows Java source code to be passed in
- transformClass - name of Java class representing the transform
- transformURL - url of the source code (can be Java) which defines the transformation
See, for example, http://wiki.cloveretl.org/doku.php?id=components:transformers#reformat
CloverETL, as opposed to Talend, has fewer components which are much more flexible ;)
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