Try creating metadata from a database table. Then take that same metadata and create a different database table in same database.
The tables are VERY different. For some reason Clover is putting default varchar(80) lengths for strings etc. I have not checked out every other data type but I assume there are other 'default' problems.
This is horrible for large tables where char(2) is VERY different from varchar(80) with 1 million rows. Does anyone know how to get the 'create metadata from table' wizard to correctly populate metadata and keep string lengths etc?
Or is this a 'feature'?? :evil: Thanks.
The tables are VERY different. For some reason Clover is putting default varchar(80) lengths for strings etc. I have not checked out every other data type but I assume there are other 'default' problems.
This is horrible for large tables where char(2) is VERY different from varchar(80) with 1 million rows. Does anyone know how to get the 'create metadata from table' wizard to correctly populate metadata and keep string lengths etc?
Or is this a 'feature'?? :evil: Thanks.
This is currently sort of a feature. Clover stores all data as variable-length - especially strings. When it extracts metadata from database, it does not store the original length constraint (again, especially for strings/varchars). Therefore when you take existing Clover metdata and try to use it for creating/generating table in DB, Clover has no information as to what should be the exact DB field definition. Thus, it defaults it to 80 characters.
Said that, I am creating a feature request in our bug tracking system to improve this situation. Hopefully it will make it into upcoming 2.10 release. Here is the corresponding issue, so you can track it:
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